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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  May 8, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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thief makes a run for it. >> they eventually caught the suspect and detained him until police arrived. >> reporter: the suspect was almost out of the station, but the riders, about 10 people or so, surround the suspect. he tries to make a break for it but they tackle the suspect to the ground it's not what police recommend but the vitamin lance of the passengers paid off. >> in this case, the citizens were responsive to what they saw, but there is inherent risk trying to apprehend or detain suspects. >> reporter: these kinds of snatchings led to a spike in crime in metro. late last year, the transit police launched a sting with decoy officers carrying fake electronic devices to nab these kinds of robbers. last year, metro had 326 reports of electronic devices snatched, 44 of those cases were undercover officers in which suspects were arrested. just like this guy, caught by sweet footed metro riders, this suspected thief didn't get the iphone, but a trip to the
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slammer with d.c. police. police say riders need to use caution, beware of using their phones and tablets near doors on the trains or exits. it's too easy for someone to snatch that and make a break for it and leave you trapped on the train. that is what police say happened in this case. brian? >> all right, sherry, if you see something like this while riding metro, we want to know about it. send your ideas to fox 5 learned a woman has a history of driving violations. gloria mcmillan is held and is charged with felony hit and run in the death of arrington. they got into a fight and mcmillan hit her. she has a wreckless driving charge in 203 and three infractions from 2003 and 2010.
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starting off with. that. >> it looks like things are breaking up right now and we'll go on over to live doppler radar to show you what isn't just an hour ago or so and some more coverage on this and light thunderstorms. right now, you have to chase yourself up to interstate 70 and that is between say frederick, mount airy and towards -- and into northern sections of howard county. that is light, to be honest with you. again, here in town, it's drying out and is temporary, though. we do have some more showers, we have thunderstorms back out to the west on the larger picture. the bigger picture on sentinel radar, you can see that and look at the showers in west virginia. and that is moving in our direction. they'll have a hard time getting over the mountains and we'll have more showers this evening and overnight tonight
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and some cooler and drier weather coming up. >> thank you, gary. to a news alert. a caller warning about a bomb forced northern virginia community college to evacuate their woodbridge campus today and cancel classes. the caller claimed the bomb was in the lake area near the main school building. vatva state police brought in a dog to sniff the area and check surroundings. investigators are trying to track down the person who made the call. u.s. military trainers are being sent to yemen, following the latest foiled bomb plot against a airliner. on monday, cia officials confirmed it stopped an al qaeda plot to down the u.s. plane near the anniversary of osama bin laden's death. tom fitzgerald has more. has the tsa made security changes here in the u.s. in light of everything that happened? >> reporter: at this point, they expressing confidence in the measures it has in place; however, this is significant and this is going to be a small reintroduction in yemen and that is raising big questions
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tonight. and about how large the terror threat is from that country. u.s. military trainers reported to be special forces units are going to yemen to work on counterterrorism efforts, coming after the cia stopped a bomb plot in yemen before the would-be bomber could buy an airline ticket. >> they keep trying to divide more and more perverse and terrible ways to kill innocent people. >> reporter: the latest plot from the underwear bomb plot that failed in christmas 2009. to make it indetectible, it was said to have no metal parts. >> the united states engages in a number of operations to go after al qaeda and their militant allies. >> reporter: the plot was timed on the anniversary of osama bin laden's death. members of congress say while they concerned about new threats, they're confident in the u.s.'s ability to stop them. >> american intelligence was
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very much involved. there were many layers of defense here and it worked. >> they have to be right once. >> to be right every time. >> reporter: letters from osama bin laden's compound detailed his desire to attack the u.s. on a 9/11 anniversary. terror experts say yemen has e merged as a hot bed of al qaeda activity. >> al qaeda is home to the world's most dangerous bomb maker. >> reporter: frank has the homeland security policy institute at george washington university. that bomb maker remains at large and salufo said he's a serious threat. >> i think it's highly likely if he didn't have a direct hand, he's been training the next generation of bomb makers. >> reporter: for its part, the tsa has not announced new security measures in response to that foiled plot. the united states had a military training program set up in yemen.
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that program, though, was halted when yemen's president was wounded in a terrorist attack. at the time, there were 100 to 150 trainers in yemen. the country's new president, though, shawn, is ready to welcome them back in. >> thank you for the update, tom. president obama and mitt romney pitching plans forgetting americans back to work. voters are getting two different views on what is wrong with the economy. jennifer davis has more. >> reporter: president obama tours a nanotechnology center in albany, new york, which pairs students with local high- tech companies and high-tech jobs. saying he wants congress to work with him to get the economy moving again, he issued lawmakers a to do list that they should all be able to agree on. >> there are additional ideas that can help people get to work right now and that they have not said no to yet. i hope they say yes. >> reporter: some of the proposals include eliminating
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tax breaks to company's shining jobs overseas and helping home owners refinance mortgages with lower rates. the president doesn't want politics to stand in the way of a stronger economic recovery. >> i know there is an election year and it's not an excuse for an action. >> reporter: in washington mitt romney accused -- o the president. >> president obama chose to -- the past of the 21st century american. liberal policies didn't work back then. they haven't worked the last four years. >> reporter: romney said that mr. obama's vows are out of line with the policies of a previous democratic president. >> president clinton, remember he said the era of big government was over. president obama brought it back with a vengeance. >> reporter: romney will likely add to the delegate lead tuesday night when result comes in from three more primaries. it's not expected to be enough to get him the more than 1,000 delegates he needs to secure
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his party's nomination. in washington, jennifer davis, fox news. and key battleground states, kyle is a politics staff writer with the roll call. thank you for coming in. appreciate it. >> all right. >> and&start with santorum's endorsement. by e-mail? really? it's weak, right? and came at 11:00 last night. one of my colleagues counted the words. it was about 900 words until he got to the bottom of the e-mail and said oh, yeah, and i am going to vote for mitt romney, you should, too. kind of a weak endorsement. mitt romney has been sing that around the country. a lot of people are sort of late to the game here. >> does it matter, really, who else are the far right conservatives going to go for? would they sit this one out? >> that is a good question. mitt romney's starting to coalesce all of that support. i think no one's really questioning whether they will vote for him, but there is some concern in the rural parts of the country, even two hours south of here in virginia.
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will people go out and knock on doors for him. that is will the real question. >> let's talk about the jobs report, the market turning sour they giving romney a bump here. are we looking at a one-issue race. >> one of the polls from george washington university showed obama leading romney on all of the issues, who would, you know, do better with healthcare and taxes and things like that. yet, romney led obama on the economy and they were split almost evenly and this is about the economy. the question is do they put the slow economy on obama's shoulders and can romney persuade people to think they willco -- he will do better the next four years. >> you see a lot of people in the barbs on twitter these days talking about politics and if you don't live in virginia and ohio, should you care about the election? seems that matters. >> that is where the obama
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campaign kicked off his campaign, and you know, virginia really is that, it's that, you know, ultimate purple state that is going to -- i think, whatever way virginia goes, you know, the rest of the nation is going to go. this race is going to be decided in a dozen battleground states. a lot that bush won in 2004obama will win. >> i will give virginians a pass. everyone else, no passes. >> thank you for coming in today. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> a former confidant of john edwards testified that he tipped off president obama's campaign to look into rumors of edwards extra marital affair. chapel hill developer tim tobin testified he had first-hand knowledge of the affair and told a friend in the obama campaign to check it out and he was astonished when edwards told him he still had political aspirations. edward -- edwards is accused of using campaign contributions to cover up his affair with real hunter. stop oring the jewelry --
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jury. the judge chided lawyers on both sides for wasting time with unnecessary questions slowing the pace. the judge ruled against admitting clemons' baseball contract into evidence. the prosecutors wanted to use it to show financial incentives for clemens to taking drugs to prolong his career. he's accused of lying under oath to congress when he said he did not spraining drugs. a propose -- not use performance-enhancing drugs. and what put the father of go-go in the hospital for weeks. d.c. and long commutes go hand in hand. why's new study said it can be harmful to your health. our 
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. the district is looking for ways to boost the city's budget. the mayor and some council members propose keeping bars open later or allowing liquor stores to open on sunday. both of theca ideas are in trouble. today -- both of the ideas are in trouble. today, another idea. an excise tax on alcohol. i hear that was a hearing on this today and some people don't like it. >> reporter: doesn't sound like a lot, shawn, 6 cents for each drink, but it's really a second tax on alcohol in d.c. there is already a 10% sales tax in place. council member jim graham who supports the excise tax said it could raise $20 million a year.
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shaking things up again when it comes to beer, wine, and cocktails cold and served in the district. some in the alcohol business worry a new tax could drive customers away. >> remember, desis -- d.c. is a destination area, we want to keep it that way. everything is price sensitive in the area. >> reporter: council member graham said it's time leaders look at generating revenue in the district by raising the price for those who drink. >> the alcohol excise tax at the present time is below 1 half of jurisdictions in the united states. the excise tax in the district is not increased since 1990. >> reporter: estimates on how much the proposed attention will cost vendors varies, depending on who you ask. the distilled spirits council of the united states -- counsel of the united states predicted an increase of 5.12% on spirits, 9.7% on wine, and 8.5% on beer.
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>> from national brewers, national distillers, local brewers, wholesalers, restaurants, hotels grocery stores, all facets of the industry are here and they're all concerned about the the excise tax. >> reporter: mayor gray said last week his plan by allowing revenue by openinga -- letting bars stay open creates the best plan instead of a tax. >> i stand where i was. no new taxes and i don't want to move to introduce a new tax when i said i wouldn't do it. >> he believes the $20 million raised could help social services that are facing budget cuts. graham and his committee voted down the longer bar hours and made it clear it's still a no go for him, shawn. >> any idea when we might get a resolutions or a conscienceus
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on this one? >> reporter: it should come soon. there is a big budget meeting tomorrow and the next day and all got to be voted on before the council approved the mayor's budget. a lot of the things. the longer hours is in the mayor's budget. the sales tax could come after that and after. that. >> all right, matt, thank you very much. >> uh-huh. chuck brown is reportedly recovering from pneumonia. the washington post quotes brown's daughter saying he's in the hospital. the paper quotes sources saying doctors removed blood clot and brown developed pneumonia. he cancelled all of his may performances. the late civil rights icon rosa parks will have a permanent honor at the national cathedral. it will formally install a statue of her thursday in the section of the church goat devoted to human rights. she'll stand near a figure of former first lady eleanor roosevelt. parks refused to give up her seat in 1955, and passed away
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seven years ago. a ceremony today at the world war ii memorial in honor of a day of victor. on may 8th, no one 45, 67 years ago, the maze nazi surrendered -- the nazi surrender oned and today's tribute honored the veterans of the holocaust. they placed wreaths in front of the field of stars that present the 400,000 american service members who lost their lives. >> with this victor, our forces and allies not only save this great nation, but our world war ii veterans literally save the world. this memorial was built to help a grateful nation to remember and honor all of those who served in that great struggle. >> world war ii officially ended four months later when japan officially surrendered. it's officially spring and
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feels like early spring out there with and cool and rainy. >> may showers, come on now? >> and we're a little dry, too and that is not going be a big deal and that is breaking up a bit. and showing you live radar, not seeing much out there, about as much as the last time we talked about this and some showers to gaithersburg, laytonsville, probably a shower here soon and most of the area is dry out there. we continue to watch stuff out west and that will come on across later on this evening. at 7:00, this is the forecast, we'll call for a spotty shower. not much more than what is going on out there new. most of it will be dry. the temperatures in the lower 70s. believe it or not, the temperatures warmed up this afternoon and that rain stopped
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and we jumped into the lower to mid-70s for everybody. showers from 9:00 to a temperature of 70 degrees. some showers possible again at 11:00, 68 and what we're seeing to the west in west virginia is some thunderstorm activities, and i don't think that is going stay that way when it's over the mountains and in here. we're talking about a few showers. the temperatures now, as i said, warm up for some and look at quantico, 78. and fredericksburg, 77; culpepper and monasses, 72 degrees and with that 73 in up to, cooler north and west and the temperatures are staying in the 60s. the five-day forecast and we'll look at mother's day on sunday. what is going to happen. what we think will be happening weather-wise, shawn. >> i hope it's perfect. >> we always try to do our best. that is all i can tell you. >> we mothers deserve that. >> absolutely, you deserve more than.
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that. >> you're right about, that thank you, gary. can you check the live doppler radar where you live 24/7 with the fox 5 weather app download it on your droid, iphone or joy. >> i pad and it's on the website, we know how tough the cuts are around here. the longer your commute, the less likely you are to be physically fit. researchers studied 4,000 workers in texas. long commutes take away from exercise time and lead to higher blood pressure, higher weight and lower overall fitness. >> a shocking twist after the mother and three young daughters go missing. why the wife and mother of a man suspected of abducting them is under arrest. nder arrest. . >> they were trying to get gum out of the gum machine and his hand was stuck up in there completely, man. and a young boy gets himself into a sticky situation. 
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. two arrests in the kidnapping and killing of a tennessee mother and her daughter. the other two daughters are
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still missing tonight. the police arrested the wife and mother of adam maez, both accused of playing a role in the kidnapping. joanne banes and her three daughters disappeared last week. her body and the body of the older daughter were linked to him. and some indiana parents are in big trouble for strapping their four children to the hood of a car during a drunken witness store run. they piled them on the top of the car and the father reportedly drove the kids and mother three blocks to the store. the children ages 4-7 were not hurt but the police reported the incident to the department of child services and the father is facing several charges, including drunk driving. a tough day for a little boy in arkansas who was trying to get his hands on candy. the two-year-old terrell parks junior jammed his hand inside a gumball machine. >> oh. he called the fire department when he realized he was not going dislodge the arm on his own. the rescuer his the same
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problem and had to take the entire machine a part. >> we were hoping to come in and it would be as simple as putting oil on and sliding it out. it was not that simple. turned out we had to dissemble part of the machine to get his finger out. >> he was not hurt and got to keep the gumball. >> thank goodness for that. i remember being a kid. you see it and stick your hand up there. >> go as far as you can. >> yeah, glad he's okay. coming up, a new study shines the spotlight on the obesity epidemic. why it could cost you if americans don't change their eating habits. . these teen chefs are running for cook, and running more than that. i'm beth parker. that story is coming up. and a story idea, call 202- 895-3000 or go to ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions.
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. the beach company that makes pink slime is closing processing plants in three states due to the process of the beef filler. they will shut down plants in texas, iowa in a few months. one nebraska plant will remain open. the company blames what it calls unfounded attacks over the textured beef that is heated and treated with ammonia. and there is some more bad news about america's waste line. a new cdc forecast said that the obesity rate will increase alarmingly the next few years. a little more than a third are obese and that number can shoot up to 42% by 2030 and the number of severely obese people is expected to double by 2030. severely obese is defined as being nearly 100 pops overweight. >> you get -- pounds
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overweight. >> you look at healthcare dollar going up, the equality of your life going down and severely increases your chance of type ii diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure. >> the study said if things don't change, obesity could cost taxpayers nearly $550 billion over the next 20 years in healthcare costs. and bill for sale is a board member of the institute of medicine and co-author of the obesity report. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, shawn. >> it's alarming to see it's expected to sky rocket. what if anything should we be doing now? >> market, it's -- in fact, it's problematic as l. if the numbers were to stay the same, they're expensive and cause great harm. what we know new is the things we have been doing the last 10 years can make a difference, but we have to do them across the whole nation. we all have a role to play and know that we have to focus on physical activity every day and in every way, healthy food and providing healthy food options. we need to be attentive to marketing and the whole
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marketing approach. we need to also make sure that schools are the center of a healthier environment. >> and let me ask you about that. today, a new report came out saying schools can play a key role in fighting obesity. what should schools be doing and expecting from schools? >> there is no question the schools have an important role here. one of the things the schools can do is to be a part of providing up to 60 minutes of physical activities for our young people every day and that can be in p.e. as traditionally we think about it and in a wide range of activities, both during the regular school day and afterwards. physical activity there and healthy food choices being available to students in school and at home. frankly throughout the day. >> all right, you know, i'm on board with you and i agree with you. i think everything you say is dead on. we hear eat right and exercise all of the time from commercials and experts. people are not listening or don't understand. what needs to happen to make sure people get the message and understand how critical this epidemic will be? >> i think this report is an important beginning to a
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further communication with the whole country and an understanding we can't count on the mayor or federal government. this is not going to be something the schools will do alone. they all being faced and have a role to play and understand what we can do individually and what our society can do better to be sure this epidemic ends. is, after all, an epidemic and never fail when we understand what to do and we believe that now we do. >> a remindder to folks, if we don't change things, obesity can cost taxpayers nearly $550 billion over the next 20 years in healthcare costs. bill purr cell, thank you for coming in. >> and thank you, shawn. and a major effort to fight obesity was in display in baltimore today. the kids have been learns not just how to eat healthy but how to coke healthy. beth parker shows us we're on thing up a chance to compete against one another. >> one hour and the cilantro's
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flying, the garlic's crushed. the onions chopped. >> it's crazy chaotic in there. each team, we stuff the five teams into one room. we wanted them to see each other and get a sense of i so my competitor and they're working and to raze the stakes. >> reporter: they're fighting it out in a steamy baltimore kitchen. the team sponsored by health core error error. dana smith is a student at this public charter high school. >> i'm used to the pressure. >> 14 minutes left. >> she comes in and says 10 minutes left. >> my mom doesn't the same thing. >> reporter: not mom but judges watching now. the chef studies each table. >> this is great. these are our future. kids who will be working for me in five years. >> he doesn't like what he skills. >> knife skills, that gentlemen is about to cut his hand. >> reporter: in an eight-week course, they learn how different foods impact your body. >> healthy eating all of the way. >> reporter: with 10 minutes left of pressure, the pressure
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is on. not sure what they can deliver this kitchen but out of the door here. this is when they show their stuff. down the hall, some decorate, back in the kitchen, others place. >> and thirty two, 2, 1. the -- 3, 2, 1. the battle is over. everything down! >> and this is what i like about this. >> reporter: the judges get a taste. everything from southboundy to tostados and -- tostados. >> and sec place, washington technology high school. >> second place for their stuffed peppers. >> we could have got fifth or fourth but sec. i'm proud. >> the teamwork and organization is key. you're going to be cooking dinner tonight? >> i don't know about that. maybe. >> maybe some takeout? >> yeah. yeah, yeah. >> reporter: in baltimore, beth parker, fox 5 news. coming up, a legendary author who changed the faith of children's books passed away. with
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sexual battery lawsuit. tery la we love gardening...
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yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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. thomas kinicade reportedly died from an accidental overdose of alcohol. he was found dead at his home last month, 54. he was known for the paintings of country gardens and landscapes. he suffered from alcoholism and relapse before his death. the author who wrote "where the wild things are" died. the book sold millions of copies since 1963. and he won many of the industry's biggest awards, including caldecott metal.
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he was 83 years ole. coming up, beyonce dazzles on the red carpet. you see this dress? >> i have not. >> we're talking about her dress, too. the victoria secret model. yeah, yeah. uh-huh. hot 99.5 sarah phraser has today's hot topics on the other side of the break. that is coming up. feldy? i'm sorry, were you talking to me? i was still look at the video. coming up, the cap his this game won and lost. this thing was in their hands. they had to hold on for six seconds. what went wrong. where do they go from here and what does it mean for the season outlook, brian. and showers moving in to parts of the area tonight. gary's back with another look at the forecast. @@@@@úhd@h [ male announcer ] hot outta the oven, it's the pizza sub!
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featured $5 footlong™ of may! melty cheese, kickin' pepperoni and our signature marinara sauce on freshly baked bread. this may only, it joins our many $5 footlongs™! subway. eat fresh.
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. boxer d.c. native lamont peterson reportedly failed a drug test, putting his may 19th rematch in las vegas against
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former title holder against kahn. the executive said peterson tested positive for high levels of a synthetic testosterone in march and separate tests on a second sample found positive may 2nd. his lawyer is promising an explanation. last night caps fans were forced to endure arguably the most gut-wrenching loss in franchise histories. dave feldman is here with how a sure victor turnd into a bitter loss against the rangers. >> reporter: the caps had the game won. they needed to hang on for six seconds, six more and they would be playing to close out the series tomorrow on home ice. would have, could have, should have. the game tied at 1-1, caps on the power play. dennis wideman's shot is stopped and gets it back and feeds john carlson. the one-timer through traffic and deflects off of the glove and to the back of the net. the second of the playoffs, caps lead 2-1. final secs in regulation. joe ward is called for a double
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minor high-sticking penalty. with 21 points, 3 secs to g. the rangers with a powerplay and a goalie polled would skate 6-on-4 against dale hunters' caps. the final seconds, the rangers ryan callaghan on the doorsteps and disabled the score with 6.6 seconds left to tie the game 2- 2. defenseman john carlson backed him up and met. the puck went under the arm n. overtime, the rangers on a powerplay and john mitchell with the faceoff to mark stall. and beats him for the game winner. 1:45 into overtime. the caps had this won and fall to the rangers 3-2 and trail the series three games to two. >> this, obviously, not how we wanted them in the game yesterday, but it is what it is and that is play-off hockey. that is hockey period. this kind of stuff happens and
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the agency is still the same, the mentality and focus is the same. we will play hard tomorrow. >> we keep moving forward. we would have loved to have the game, sure, but i thought we played a good game, and we're six seconds away from winning. so, we did some videos today and we'll rebound and play a good game tomorrow. >> game 6 tomorrow, the verizon center at 730time, the sportscasters throw around must win all of the time and tomorrow is a must win. >> all right, dave. thanks. we must get more temperatures and sunshine in here. >> do you like it warm? >> no. >> if there is no humidity. >> that doesn't happen often. >> well, you asked. >> you have to be on a plane in that kind of weather. right? it's going to warm up a bit and not necessarily tomorrow and cooler weather coming in. at least half of the weekend is
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looking good. the question is which half of the weekend is looking okay. we have shower activity and that is not raining and is not rainings hard anywhere. we're talking about the clouds and a poke of sunshine coming through every now and then. mostly, we're cloudy with a couple of showers and looking at live radar and smok you not much changeed here. showers to winchester and howard c to i-70. perhaps a few showers into fairfax county. again, few and far between. and most of the rain came through earlier for us. there is another round this evening. the temperatures right now, we have managed, managed up to 73 degrees this afternoon here in town. maybe warmer on the hour. but not much. fredericksburg, better at 77 degrees. culpeper, 72; monasses, 72; farther to the north and west, the temperatures are in the 60s
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and holding and nos ines at -- monasses 72 degrees and what you see right now is what we're going to have at 7:00. some showers around by 9:00, showers around at 11:00 as well and notice the temperatures stay fairly mild. only dropping into the upper 60s by late, late this evening. one batch of rain passes through and actually, we had good rain out of that. a .1 of an inch. some plates might be more than that, a nice steady rain moving out and look to the west, though. we so more and this is not much. granted it's thunderstorms in west virginia, a lot more into southwestern secs of virginia and this still has to come across and that is why we're keeping at least showers in the forecast later on this evening and some passing showers overnight tonight and what i want to show you now farther to the north and west, this is a system coming from minnesota and wisconsin there and this is indicative of colder air coming in. so, once this moves through,
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this funnel system eventually will drag some cooler air down and we're talking sunshine on thursday afternoon. friday, and temperatures are going to be in the upper 60s and lower 70s. the humidity we have had will vanish and at least for thursday and friday into saturday, too, it's looking good. and we have to get the rain out of here first and we'll call for showers overnight, not a lot but passing through. mild temperatures, 65 degrees and some winds out of the south- southwest at 10 to 15 miles an hour. clouds and showers out there tomorrow morning, a few spotty showers at lunch tome. later on tomorrow afternoon, we'll have a couple more showers popping up and that is looking like south-southeast of us we'll have a chance of thunderstorms. i don't think we'll have thunderstorms i-95 into the west. looks like the thunderstorms story tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon will be i-95 to the east.
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that pretty much rules out the metro for thunderstorms. we'll call for some showers and this is going to get on through and that is going to dry things out, changing things a bit. 75 for a high tomorrow with the showers and thunderstorms to the south-southeast and cool or thursday and perhaps an early show or thursday. the temperature of 70. and if we get less amounts of sunshine, the temperature on thursday could be cooler. nice on friday, sunshine and 73, the low humidity. warm or sunday as the temperatures mid- to upper 70s with sunshine by sunday. mother's day, unfortunately. we'll have to reintroduce a chance of rain there and mostly cloudy skies. the temperatures in the lower to mid-70s. sorry, shawn. right now, it looks wet for mother's day. >> that is a budget. >> you know how this works. we have -- a budget. >> we have been successful the laugh few years and cloning it up and having a nice day -- cleaning up and having a nice
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day. and we're with the hot topics. first, did the stars reveal too much on the red carpet? john travolta is being sued for sexual harassment and how a woman's past came back to bite her 40 years later. sarah frazier has more to talk about in today's hot topics and talk about last night's 2012 gala. there were a lot of stars, beautiful dresses. beyonce's garnered a lot of a t >> like this fitet body suit and -- fitted body execute cite and you can see everything. >> the posterior included. >> yes, and you didn't like -- i thought it was cool. >> look at the bead work in the front. it looks like the body there. >> yeah. >> and kind of looks weird to me. >> and right up the back. you can see it. >> yeah. >> i love the net ball. it's more interesting than the oscars for clothing. >> absolutely. >> unbelievable stuff. >> speaking of unbelievable, this is crazy.
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this is the victoria secret model. >> a lot of attention. y that calling this, perhaps, one of the most --y that calling this one of the most offensive dresses ever. one, her hip bone is absolutely -- isn't it shock something. >> it's not attractive at all. >> it's out. >> not angelina jolie, you know, her with the one-leg thing. >> that looked tame. >> that looks very tame. >> and the other thing, she's not wearing underwear under there. >> nobody wants to so that. >> a girl forgot her drawers. >> she remembered his. this is marc jacobs who designs beautiful, beautiful clothing. what in the world was he thinking? >> i like this. this is like a sheer night gown with boxers. this is a new trend. why it is. like -- it is. like a bathrobe that buttons up. he said i'm going to take a snap nap and show up. >> between him and ania rubin, someone's mother should have said that doesn't look good. that was not cute. [ laughter ] >> let's talk, we're going move along now and week talk about that one forever. john travolta being sued now by
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a male masseur. >> a second man came forward, breaking news. so many elements about this. e sentually they're alleging he made sexual passes at them while they were trying to give him a massage and go into incredible detail. the attorneys for the men are not naming them. there is a little bit of fear that they kind of work in hollywood and they're nervous about that. >> what is travolta's response? >> the attorney will prove that he was not on the west coast when the allegations were made. we'll see if that comes out to be true. >> yeah. >> and a 58-year-old woman been on the job for five years at wells fargo and got fired over something she did in 1972? >> she's like 53 years old and this is in 1972. wells fargo said, look, unfortunately now because of new regulations and laws, we had to go back and do fbi jack ground checks. she has no idea that they were doing it and she was fired one day. >> she shoplifted in 1972. >> yes, she was 12 years old and had no clothes or money and
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had no parents. >> absolutely ridiculous. >> it was ridiculous. >> we'll see. they haven't responded yet about if they will hire her back or what will happen moving forward. >> shame on them. >> i know. >> thank you for the scoop today, sarah. >> you got it. >> back to you. a showdown in the district, why the d.c. police filed a lawsuit against the city and chief kathy lanier. new information in the john edwards trial. the jury learns about a sex tape between edwards and his mist tress the first time. and can social networks put a stop to bad service?
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a special blue mass at saint patrick's in the district to pray for the safety of the first responders. washington archbishop cardinal whirl joined hundreds of safety
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officials at the service. this mass is held every year at the start of national police week. it may seem like every day is mother's day at the prince georges county police department. there are three sets of mothers and daughters on the force. the pairs posed in front of headquarters from left to right. first starting with lieutenant stephanie frankenfield and officer rebecca frankenfield. then lieutenant sandy jurgenen and her daughter alicia and finally corporal loretta williams and officer lavon dickerson. >> when we first came on, i came on a year before her and when she came on, we happened to trade off baby sitting a lot. both of our husbands were officers as well. >> i'm proud she decided to become a police officer like me. i believe she does a great job and hope she has a career. >> always tell them to be careful, have fun and enjoy your job. it's a fun job. >> notice all of the moms talked first there. >> happy mother's day to them. they have a combined 59 years on the prince georges county
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police force. and thank you for joining us at 5. the news edge at 6 starts right now. we're going to start the news edge off in the district. as the d.c. police team filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming chief kathy lanier's obstructing effort for raises for the rank and file. the officers have gone without raises the last five years and the suit argues she shouldn't be involved in the process new that her contract expired. as you might imagine, the city and chief have a different view. paul wagner joins us new to sort this out. paul? >> reporter: brian, the d.c. police union believes the reason they have been unable to win any traction in the negotiation for a meaningful raise is the clauses that she's contract, allowing her to directly bargain with the union over compensation. and that is a clause the union believes


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